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© 1997-2006
Michael Minner Photography

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Awards Gallery

Little Boy's Blues"Little Boy's Blues" was the First Place portrait at the Maryland Professional Photographers Association convention in 1989. The print earned the prestigious Kodak Gallery Award for excellence in professional portraiture.

Going, Going, Gone!"Going, Going, Gone!" clearly illustrates that some of the best portrayals of children result from letting kids be kids. This print is a PPA merit print from the 1993 SEPPA Convention in Atlanta.

Georgia On My Mind

"Georgia On My Mind" was made during the InnerCircle Safari Shoot Out Competition at the University of Georgia in Athens in 1993. It won First Place honors.

InnerCircle 2nd Place "Rock This House" was made within 20 minutes of the one above at a nearby fraternity house. The model is the same University of Georgia student. This print earned 2nd Place honors.

Meyer Rivkind Memorial Award Reknowned portrait artist, Monte Zucker, headed the panel of judges which named this portrait winner of the Meyer Rivkind Memorial Award for "Portrait of the Year" at the 1985 convention of the Maryland Professional Photographers Association. Michael Minner was named "Portrait Photographer of the Year" by MPPA that year, the first of 4 times he has earned that honor.

A Real Family Portrait

The charm of this image lies in the natural and spontaneous reaction of family members to the antics of the child at the left. Titled "A Real Family Portrait", this image is a part of the PPofA Loan Collection.

At Summer's End"At Summer's End", made in the sweet light after sunset at a Delaware beach, is an MPPA "Best in Show" portrait and a PPofA merit print. It clearly illustrates that environmental portraits are visually more exciting when the subjects wear colors that are inherent in the scene.

"Splashdance", another PPofA merit print, was done as part of a model's portfolio. Whereas, in traditional portraiture, the photographer strives to color coordinate the elements of the image there are times when the usage of discordant color combinations can serve to incite emotional reactions from the viewer.

Mr. Pa-Tuba Head"Mr. Pa-Tuba Head" was done, just for fun, for a symphony orchestra member in an attempt to give life to the instrument he played and loved.

Gray FoxThe "painting with light" technique is illustrated in "The Gray Fox", a studio portrait which was selected "Best Portrait of a Man" as well as "Best in Show" by the Maryland Professional Photographers Association.

Mandarin Mystique"That Mandarin Mystique" is a studio glamour portrait that was named a "Court of Honor" print at an MPPA convention.

Painting the Town Red

"Painting the Town Red" is an MPPA Loan Collection print that clearly illustrates that the best portraits of children do, in fact, show more than just what they LOOK like. They show what they ARE like.

Hot Stuff "Hot Stuff!", a PPofA merit print, clearly demonstrates the power of utilizing color harmony in portraiture. The same theories of high key (white on white) and low key (dark on dark) photography apply to any colors used as long as the subject and background are in the same color family. This photograph also shows that the female form is enhanced when posed in an "S" shape as opposed to a vertical line.

Double Bubble Trouble

"Double Bubble Trouble" is a high key portrait that is an MPPA "Best in Show" winner. It was also named "Best Portrait of a Child" at an MPPA convention. In addition to illustrating the power of simplicity inherent in high key theory it shows that when children wear classic styles of clothing that the portrait is not dated and, therefore, takes on a classic quality.

Meet Me in Red SquareThe importance of the title in creating prints for competition is illustrated both literally and figuratively by "Meet Me In Red Square", a studio image that resulted in a PPA merit print.

Vixen Blue Lurid Lady

"Vixen Blue" and "Lurid Lady" each show how creative cropping and the usage of color harmony in print presentation can lead to PPA merits for the maker.